Weekly Report (May 13th)


I won't sugar coat it, this week's progress leaves much to be desired. I felt really unmotivated and tired of developing this demo. So, not much has been done. I did add the ending for the shopping sequence, but apart from that, and a number of small changes I won't even go into detail about below, there's little change. I didn't even start writing/adding combat actions for the equipment sold by Zondok. Hopefully, this week, I'll feel better.

The list of changes, small as it is:

- Wrote and implemented a small sequence where the protagonist and Gaspar have to walk around the market a bit and interact with various merchants - this isn’t anything special, but I found it better than a fade-out after Zondok’s dialogue sequence;

- Changed the logic for controlling the intractability of move/utility buttons (basically all buttons found in the middle left panel);

- Began to dynamically change the text’s colour if it’s in a foreign in-universe language;

- Implemented a tool that allows to change tile-related action buttons depending on the completed quest stage right in the Unity editor, bypassing the need to change those buttons in level scripts;

- Made a plethora of small changes to other scripts.

This week, I'll have to catch up and make the combat actions. Then, I need to prepare a sprite for the enemy the protagonist will have to fight with, revise a pre-combat dialogue (which is a few lines, so it's a no biggie), and start working on the escaping mechanics, which I'm yet to design for the combat system.

See you again in a week.


CoFI-Demo-0.5.0.zip 117 MB
43 days ago

Get Chronicles of Forgotten Islands -DEMO-

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