Weekly Report (July. 29th)


Despite a rather busy week full of real-life problems, I managed to accomplish everything I wanted, except for one thing - equipment for the city guard. So, yes, the new dialogues are in, as well as all the required level logic. It turns out that the opponent in the second combat encounter is incredibly overpowered, which I didn’t plan for, but I quite like it that way. Given they’re fully armoured and have a decent weapon, this encounter shouldn't be easy for a pair of virtually naked level-one characters. Speaking of which, I really should prepare clothes for Gaspar. The problem lies with the sprites. I think I have some that might work, but I need to double-check.

Anyway, here's the list of changes for this build:

- Changed string assignment logic for character names - this isn’t visible in-game, but the new logic makes more sense from a coding perspective;

- Improved string exporting - the exported JSON file now looks much, much cleaner. Previously, making changes to strings outside the Unity editor was difficult due to poor file formatting, but now it’s as polished as it can be. I can't think of any further improvements;

- Implemented new dialogues - self-explanatory. It is possible to either use shortcut action buttons to trigger those branches or trigger them via the combat encounter;

- Improved the logic for adding backlog entries - I expanded the system used to log combat-related texts. Previously, this system was integrated into the combat actions code, but now it’s a separate class that can be used for purposes unrelated to combat actions;

- Better formatting for combat-related strings - those look prettier now;

- Miscellaneous code improvements.

Next week, I plan to create new equipment (guard/Gaspar) and revise the texts for the next stage of the demo. Maybe something else requiring my attention will pop up, who knows. As a side note, I tried the new versions of the protagonist sprites and, well, they don't look quite as good as I'd hoped in-game. I'll keep them, though. In the future, I plan to give the player the ability to select sprites on a new game start, and those will come in handy for this purpose.

See y'all next week.


CoFI-Demo-0.6.0.zip 118 MB
61 days ago

Get Chronicles of Forgotten Islands -DEMO-

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